
Screen Shot 2013-03-31 at 3.34.06 PM
Leni Reed Nazare

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am happy you landed here! My goal is to introduce you to new foods and simple recipes that inspire you to make your food life more healthy and delicious, while minimizing the time and effort you put into food prep.

I have always loved food and eating! To me supermarkets are museums, menus are manifestos, and cooking is where my creativity thrives. I love to experiment in the kitchen! So I’m constantly making and sharing food with my family, friends, neighbors and the local shelter. All told, I have cooked for 50+ years for myself, my family and others, including a brief stint as a private “chef” for a very wealthy family.

I am a nutritionist with a masters degree in public health nutrition (MPH) from the U of Michigan (1973). I worked as a registered dietitian for about 25 years, until the late-1990s. During that time, I was a faculty member teaching clinical dietetics at the University of Texas South Western Medical Center (Dallas) and the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center (Oklahoma City).

Later I was an entrepreneur who gave Supermarket Savvy supermarket tours to the public. These tours were also recorded (in VHS) by a professional producer and he sold them to drug companies who distributed them to doctors to educate their patients about eating for better health.

In addition, over many years, I wrote a nutrition column for Shape magazine, the Dallas Times Herald, and the Dallas Morning News. I also taught cooking classes and was one of the co-authors of the recipes for the first edition (1989) of the American Heart Association Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook. (That was a long time ago when we used to think a low-fat diet was ideal…)

Today, I follow the basic principles of the MIND Diet (which is a combination of the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet) and the Portfolio Diet. Research has shown that the MIND Diet helps to prevent mental decline and the Portfolio Diet helps to lower blood cholesterol and LDL. So on this blog, you’ll find suggestions for including an abundance of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes (lentils and beans), nuts and seeds into your meals. But this is not a vegan blog. Here you will also find inspiration for cooking with fish, chicken, beef, pork and dairy, in small quantities.

With food (as in life), I try to be flexible. A tiny bit of sugar? It won’t kill you! But a lot of sugar or maple syrup? No way! A little coconut milk or butter (high in saturated fat)? OK! A full can of coconut milk? No thanks! A small portion of red meat to flavor a dish? Great! But a large  portion of red meat? No! So I’m not a purist. I’m more of a realist, and you’ll see this attitude reflected in the pages of this blog.

Starting now, January 2024, when I write a blog post, I like challenge myself to write for people who “mostly don’t cook,” and today that’s a lot of people. My goal is to offer suggestions that will tempt those who don’t cook to do some simple food prep in their own kitchens. If I can do that, then I know I can also help those of you who like to cook, too!

No matter whether you “don’t cook” or are a cooking fanatic like me, I am so glad you are here! Welcome, and let’s get started! The gifts of nature are awaiting!


36 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Leni,
    What a wonderful blog! I recently read about tumeric and have been incorporating this into recipes, BUT did NOT know it needed to be combined with black pepper for effectiveness.
    Love the recipes,
    Thank you so much!
    Looking forward to more great information.

    1. Hi Leni,

      This is wonderful, I will be viewing frequently to get new tips and ideas!

      Thank you for sharing with me.


  2. Cheers Lani,
    I thoroughly enjoy your joie de vie and research sources. I have used garlic for year and enjoy your tips on how to store garlic paste. I look forward to sharing info on kefir and kombucha; have been making both at home and enjoying the health benefits from each.
    Thanks for following your passion!

  3. Leni,
    Yesterday, just finished the hummus/basil dip atop slices of apple. Surely, the best combination yet! Thanks! Mike H.

    1. Hi “Mike,”
      Thanks for sharing. I love the idea of spreading the hummus/basil dip (made by mixing humus and defrosted Basil Pesto Flavor Cubes) on apple slices. All fruits and veggies! GREAT!

  4. Leni,
    Wow! I am so excited to incorporate this information into my family’s lifestyle change! Thank you so much for all the wonderful why questions and recipes!

  5. Great site — thanks for doing this for those of us that are still learning. I have read Anti-Cancer and am following many of the recommendations. My son was jsut diagnosed with a blood leukemia. Dr. Servan-Schreiber recommends garlic, green tea and tumeric for leukemia. Do you know if curcumin pills with or without biopermine (black pepper substance) are as effective as eating tumeric in meals? Thanks. Robin

    1. Hi Robin, Your son is fortunate to have a caring mother like you! Regarding supplements like turmeric supplements….I would not go that route simply because you can get turmeric and black pepper in food (powdered or fresh) – and then you know what you are getting. In supplements, who knows; they are poorly regulated. Also, please note that at http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69401.cfm it says”Recent laboratory findings indicate that dietary turmeric may inhibit the anti-tumor action of chemotherapeutic agents such as cyclophosphamide in treating breast cancer. More research is necessary, but it is advisable for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to limit intake of turmeric and turmeric-containing foods.” You can read a lot more about turmeric and its health properties and issues by going to this Memorial Sloan Kettering site ( but first you have to accept the terms and conditions on this page). I hope this helps you. All the best to you and your son. Leni

  6. Hi Leni,

    It’s very nice to chat with you at the library. I’ve read a few pages of Anti Cancer, and decided to order it on Amazon.

    Your blog is a very good resource for guidance on healthy food. I will come back often for recipes.


    1. Hi Rebecca,
      So nice to meet you! And so glad to hear that you found the blog helpful. And the book, it’s great! You’ll be glad you ordered it!

  7. Hi Leni,
    Your photos are lovely. Thanks for the info on mature beet greens (just threw away a bunch; never again!) I often grow okra bec/ the plant is so pretty and I love it roasted.

    FYI, I’m back doing classes at Wms-Sonoma … this sunday on salads. Hope to see you soon!


  8. Hi Leni,
    your recepies are inspiring.I have cooked a few of your recepies, accidently using my imagination. Like your Lebanese lentil soup.Hope to use some of your ideas.Check out Linda’s Web Sitehttp://www.aspire-health.ca/therapists.php.



    1. Chuck, Thanks for asking. I loved Julia and Julia…but never having seen Babettte’s Feast and being fascinated by all things Danish, I am sure I would love to see that!

  9. Hi Leni, I love your blog. It’s funny that we’ve been friends for so long and I didn’t know about all your previous accomplishments in nutrition. I passed on the link to a new friend. Thanks for putting this information out on the Internet. Hugs -L

  10. Hi Leni!

    This is Mollie, we met at Whole Foods Reston last Saturday, and you bought a bottle of our amazing drink Jin-Jah! Just wondering if you have tried any fun thing’s with the drink yet? Also, since I did not have a card, wanted to pass my email on to you! Reach me anytime at molliemsmith@gmail.com, your blog is WONDERFUL! Hope you’re doing great this Monday
    Best always,
    Mollie Smith

  11. Dear Leni,

    It was really nice meeting you at the Apple store today. Thank you very much for your advices and the recipe 🙂

    I think you should be able to see my email now that i have contacted you.. If i don’t hear from you, I will try to contact you again via Facebook personal msg.

    Please keep in touch,

  12. Hi, Leni!

    Casey, here. I write for Fitbie.com, a health and fitness website, and I’m currently working on a piece about boozy smoothie recipes. We were wondering if we could use your photo for your boozy smoothie recipe (https://monamifood.wordpress.com/2013/09/14/berry-cherry-smoothie-berry-cherry-wine-cooler/). We would link to your website/recipe so our readers can check out your delicious smoothie!

    Please let me know as soon as possible!

    All the best,

    Casey Rackham

  13. Hello Leni! I recently came across one of your recipes on a blog in which we were both featured! The blog was regarding turmeric and it featured your turmeric egg recipe as well as our Turmeric Salt All Purpose seasoning. We were hoping to collaborate our seasoning with one of your recipes! Please feel free to contact me!

Hey, what have you got to say?