Tag Archives: anti-cancer

For Tender Slightly Sweet Kale and Brussels Sprouts, Steam-Cook in Your Microwave

The microwave is a game-changer for steam-cooking veggies like kale and Brussels sprouts. In no time, they cook to perfection and become tender and a little sweet. No need to wait for a pot of water to boil and no big steamer to wash! Simply cook, store and serve — all in the same bowl!

How to Steam-Cook Kale and Brussels Sprouts in the Microwave

  • Place a large microwave safe bowl on top of a microwave safe plate.
  • Fill the bowl with shredded kale and shaved Brussels sprouts. Do not add water. The vegetables have enough water in them to produce the steam that cooks them.
  • Place the plate with the bowl on it into the microwave.
  • Place a microwave safe plate over the bowl to act as a lid.
  • Microwave the kale and Brussels sprouts on high (100% power) until tender. In my 1000 watt microwave, it just takes two minutes to cook a large amount. (Microwave ovens vary in wattage, so experiment with the timing.)
  • The bowl in which the veggies were cooking will be hot, but the microwave safe plate under the bowl will be room temperature. So hold onto the plate to remove your bowl from the microwave.
  • Remove the lid/plate by tilting it away from you so that the steam goes away from your face.

The kale and Brussels sprouts I often use

  • Trader Joe’s Organic Shredded Kale. This kale is pre-washed and has very few thick stems.
  • Trader Joe’s or Whole Food’s Shaved Brussels Sprouts.

The health benefits of kale and Brussels sprouts

  • These two cruciferous vegetables have lots of nutrients and seriously good anti-cancer properties. Check out the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) articles on kale and Brussels sprouts.

What can you do with steamed kale and Brussels sprouts?

  • Salad
  • Side dish
    • Dress with lemon juice, olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper, as mentioned above, and then mix in cannelloni beans and lightly microwaved onions and bell peppers. Serve hot or cold.
  • Soup
    • Stir into cooked soups such as leek and potato, minestrone, beet borscht and lentil soups.
  • Grain bowl
    • Add to a grain bowl, for example, a bowl with cooked barley and other grains plus some soy sauce seasoned tempeh or tofu.

Microwave cooking recipes

Microwave cookware I like to use

  • Anyday cookware is designed especially for the microwave. I recently bought an Anyday set, and I like it a lot because it’s made of glass and metal that’s safe for the microwave, no plastic! And the lids can easily be vented or not. And this is important: if you steam-cook kale and Brussels sprouts in an Anyday dish, you should lift the knob on the lid to allow the steam to vent. Anyday lids have a silicone seal and they seal the container very tightly, so they do not let steam escape unless you vent the lid. And, if you didn’t let the steam escape, after a certain point, steam pressure will build up, like in a pressure cooker! So vent the lid unless the Anyday recipe says not to do so.
  • Microwave safe plate to put under whatever container you are cooking your food in. This large size works very well, and it’s a bargain! I get it at Target.

Video about microwaving kale and Brussels sprouts

  • In this video, I discuss microwaving kale and Brussels sprouts. Please excuse how rudimentary this video is! I’m learning!

Not that long ago, I just used my microwave to reheat food. But not anymore! Now I use it so much that I wish I had a second one!

I hope you enjoy microwaving kale and Brussels sprouts, and other veggies, too! Please leave a comment about your experience, if you can. Thank you!

May you be healthy and happy — and the same to all people everywhere,
FYI: None of the links in my blog are affiliate links.

Black Raspberry Powder

Sparkling mineral water with black raspberry powder
Sparkling mineral water with black raspberry powder

Last year I bought black raspberries at the farmer’s market. They were expensive and a bit moldy. And they didn’t taste nearly as good as I imagined they would. Fortunately, on Amazon I found Virgin Extracts Pure Premium Raw Freeze Dried Organic Black Raspberry Powder Extract Concentrate — a great-tasting superfood. I use it to add flavor and color to sparking mineral water and yogurt.

What makes black raspberries so good for you? Like the other berries, they are potent antioxidants with anti-cancer properties. Here’s some information on the rat and human studies related to black raspberries and cancer prevention and treatment.

As you may have noticed if you clicked on the Amazon link, this black raspberry powder is very expensive. However, compared to fresh berries, it’s a steal! Besides, what price can you put on good health?

Enjoy and be healthy!

Food Find: Chive Flower (Garlic Chives) – Where to find and how to cook

Chive flower
Chive flower

Recently I went exploring — to the Fresh World International Supermarket just down the road in Herndon, Virginia. There I discovered what they call chive flower!  A day or two later we were having dinner at our new favorite Chinese Restaurant, China Wok in Tysons Corner, and on the menu was Fish Fillet with Chive Flower. So I asked them if they could give me a side dish of just chive flower (to go with the Peking duck I ordered). Soon they set a plate of sautéed chive flower in front of me. It was fabulous! To me, tasted slightly crunchy and sweet and a bit garlicky — not strong like chives.

Here’s how to make Sautéed Chive Flower (basic recipe is courtesy of the chef at China Wok).

Sautéed Chive Flower
Sautéed Chive Flower


1 bunch chive flower
1 tablespoon avocado oil (mild flavor and good for high heat cooking)
2 – 3 garlic cloves, chopped (or chopped and frozen — see Food Prep Tip below)
Sea salt, to taste

Cut off 1-2 inches from the stem end and discard (or use in stock). Cut the remainder into 1 – 1 1/2 inch pieces.

Chive flower cut into pieces
Chive flower cut into pieces

Heat a wok (or a large sauté pan), and when wok/pan is warm, add the oil.

When oil is hot, add the chive flower (all except for the flowering tips which you will add later) and toss.

Add the chopped garlic to the chive flower in the pan and toss.

Note: If the garlic is frozen (as suggested in Food Prep Tip below), it will defrost as you toss it with the chive flower. Or, you can let the small amount of garlic you plan to use defrost before you use it. (I would not defrost the entire package of chopped garlic.)

Sauté the chive flower and garlic (keep tossing) for about 2 minutes.

Add the reserved chive flower tips (the pieces with the flowers) and continue to sauté (toss) for another 30 seconds.

Add salt to taste.

Now you have the delicious dish I was served at the restaurant!

Or if you want to do something a bit different, try mixing the sautéed chive flower with some preserved lemon purée. Yum!



Chopped garlic -- freeze in the bag it came in
Chopped garlic — freeze in the bag it came in

At China Wok, they thinly slice the garlic and then add it to the oil and then add the chive flower, but I don’t do it that way.

I use chopped garlic which i always have on hand. I take a bag of peeled organic garlic (such as you see in photo) and chop the entire continents of the bag in the food processor (fitted with metal blade). Then I put the chopped garlic back into the ziplock bag it came in, pressing the garlic into a thin layer. Then I put the bag that’s now full of chopped garlic into my freezer. Later when I need chopped garlic, I just grab the bag with chopped garlic out of the freezer and break off the amount I need! 🙂

And one more thing. It’s important! Wait 15 minutes after chopping garlic before freezing or cooking with it. Why? To allow the chopped garlic itself to create an anti-cancer compound! If you cook with garlic before you have given it time to create that compound, you won’t get the anti-cancer benefits of garlic! So just wait before you put the chopped garlic into the freezer. And because you already waited these 15 minutes, when you cook with your frozen chopped garlic, you will get the anti-cancer benefits!

LEARN MORE about Chive Flower aka Garlic Chives
Basic facts (not sure if nutrition facts come from reputable source, but until I find a better reference, this will have to do.)
Recipe with pork

Enjoy and be healthy!
~ Leni